Does the title looks like some movie title like “Bahubali – The Begining or Pushpa – the Rise? Just joking.
I like to watch movies which has unique concept and stories. Sci-fi movies are my all time favorite.
I had always a attraction towards Digital world since my childhood times. Around 1995 was the first time I heard about computers and got the chance to see a DOS prompt computer.
In the year 1998 I had dedicated lecture for computer in my school days. That was my first interaction with DOS prompt computer.
Where we were taught about fundamentals and parts of computer. Handling files and folders with writing a commands.
My self Rajesh Naidu. I believe that ” Gaining knowledge on time is the biggest wealth for any one in this world. Sharing your knowledge with others in need will not only help them but also multiplies your existing knowledge.”
We also cannot afford to learn by experiencing each and every thing practically. That will be a slow process and time consuming project. Hence we should grab the lesson learnt from others experience and try to incorporate them in your development.
In this platform I will be sharing my variety of experience and the knowledge i gained from time to time which have helped me in my self development. May this shared knowledge can help someone somewhere in their development.
You may find mistakes in grammar or spelling in this post as this is my first blog. Kindly consider in correcting with appropriate comments. That would be appreciable.